A Brief Analysis of the Emotional Expression and Picture Language of Photography Creation in Contemp

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  [Abstract]From the invention of photography to the division of a series of photographic categories,such as pictorial photography,documentary photography and landscape photography,photography as an independent art has undergone a long and difficult development process.At the beginning,the main function of the birth of photography is to record the authenticity of the objective world,which can not be replaced by any other art.With the progress of The Times,people's pursuit of spiritual living standard has been continuously improved.Photography is not only for recording and souvenir as it was at the beginning,but also adds various elements like other arts -- expression of emotion,use of light,selection of composition,etc.Among these factors,emotional expression is the soul of an artistic work,and light,composition,color and other elements are the skeleton and flesh and blood of the work.Each work has its purpose and significance,which mainly depends on what kind of thoughts and themes the author wants to express and whether he can reasonably use the picture language of photography.
  [Key words] emotional expression,picture,language,art creation
  First,two important elements of contemporary photography -- emotional expression and picture language
  Art refers to the enjoyment of beauty brought by ingenious conception through certain techniques or means.Therefore,every work of art should have its unique appeal,which is the vitality of art.[] as an independent art,photography has an irreplaceable function in expressing human emotions.The so-called photographic picture language is the composition of the work,light,technology(depth of field size)and the application of color.At the same time of creating works,the author will also have a preconception of the image in his mind,which is what is called the pre-imagination in photography.Then,through shooting or post-processing and other technical means to improve the picture in the mind,and finally form their own works.Picture language is an essential element for a good piece of work.Here,we need to refer to style,because the expression of picture language is different according to different photographic styles.
  Second,the relationship between emotional expression and picture language
  Before shooting photographic images,photographers will have a certain conception stage.During this process,the author will screen and process scattered living materials in his mind to create a new and complete aesthetic image system,which is the prototype of future works.Finally,the photographer USES the techniques he has learned to objectify the subject in his mind.In artistic creation,emotional expression and picture language are mutually complementary and inseparable.The expression of picture language needs the injection of the creator's soul,and the outpouring of emotion needs the accumulation of material and technical means at ordinary times.   Three,"good mood" and "bad mood" to create works are of artistic value?
  In our life,when something goes wrong or something surprises us,it can bring us a different mood every day.These good or bad emotions come from our life experiences.The artistic works created by artists are an outlet and interpretation of these emotions,and these artistic works will resonate in the mind of the audience after appreciation.That is to say,"good mood" will also make the audience have a positive aesthetic feelings,"bad mood" may make us feel a feeling of depression or hesitation.Many contemporary photographic works of this kind are criticized.But is this work bad? In my opinion,such a statement is too one-sided.No matter it is "good mood" or "bad mood",works created by people are always the reflection of people's mind and a true reflection of an era.What has the value of the era can always arouse people's reflection.Therefore,some photos with a little "bad mood" are valuable.
  Art always shows the social state of different times to people in different forms.It is a catharsis of emotion,but also a response to the real society.It is a high level of artistic creation to integrate one's own emotion into his works perfectly.No matter the works can bring "positive energy" or "negative energy" to people,as long as they can resonate with people,then the works are of certain value.Photography,as an art that can truly reproduce things,USES different techniques to create works with soul,making photography truly different from other arts.
一.关于‘泛生物化’  “泛生物化”,即使用生物学观念的艺术创作,或者使用了生物材料和技术来进行创作,“泛生物化”对于“生物艺术”,范围更为广泛。‘泛’这个词就是说不是严谨的一定要做活体的作品,类似的思考、思辨,包括科技哲学或者是科技的社会史这些都是可以引入,从这种意义上来说,生物题材涉及的并不是纯技术问题,它跟社会学,哲学都是相互联系的。  二.生物艺术的泛生物化的表现手法  (1)利用“生物技
摘要:在商业社会中,环境设计正演化为肤浅的和毫无生机的程序化机制,“诗篇的韵律”似乎显得格外重要。本文从继承和发展中国传统文化的角度,以最具代表性的中国古代诗歌为例。在我国步入社会主义新时代,人民更加注重心理需求的大环境下,浅谈古诗词的艺术之美、意境之美与环境设计的融合,相辅相成。  关键词:古诗词;环境设计;心理需求;审美观念  诗歌是一种独特的中国风格,具有独特的形式和节奏。诗歌按其节奏可分为
【abstract】:The calligraphy and painting homologous are Chinese calligraphy and painting terminology.It means that Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy are closely related,and their development and
摘要:阐述了情感记忆的概念,指出人们对一些熟识的人、物、环境拥有特殊的情感和比较深刻地记忆。从符号学角度解读情感记忆中的感官记忆符号与行为记忆符号。论述情感记忆在设计中的价值,利用情感记忆更容易使用户理解产品,从而唤起自然的感知,直觉的操作,最终获得情感的满足。利用解码编码的方式对记忆符号进行再设计。  关键词:情感记忆;记忆符号;再设计  设计的目标就是为用户开发一种有用、好用、想用的产品。工业
摘要:《道德经》中的“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”将人类最终模仿的对象归于自然,在古代造物思想中则体现为“师法自然”。自然给予人类造物活动启发和灵感来自于动物、植物;或来自于以自然为基础的自我创造。古代器物的外型设计、装饰题材、工艺取材三方面均透露出对自然界的模仿与创作。  关键词:师法自然;造物思想;古代器物;制器尚象  “师法自然”的造物思想在古代造物过程中的运用非常广泛,漆器、陶瓷、服
迟开的花朵一样鲜艳!对学生,我们要永远抱有希望。一个班集体犹如一座大花园,教师就是一位园艺师,花园里的花五彩缤纷,争芳斗艳,有的红似火,有的黄似霞,有的白如雪,然而百花园里也有不起眼,正低头含胸的小花,那是因为人的智力水平有高有低,智力开发的有早有晚,如何使潜能生成为鲜艳的花朵,已不可避免地摆在我们教师面前。  数学新课标指出:“人人学有价值的数学;人人都能获得必需的数学;不同的人在数学上得到不同
摘要:文物是具备高价值的一类历史文化遗产,在人类历史上,由于各种原因会制造赝品或者复制品,这便导致许多文物真假难辨,有的文物在漫长的岁月中,本来面目逐渐被掩盖,人们很难对于有正确地认识,因此,文物鉴定和鉴赏就变得尤为重要。本文主要围绕文物鉴定与鉴赏展开论述,以供行业人员参考借鉴。  关键词:文物鉴定;鉴赏;价值;作用  引言  文物是人类重要的文化遗产,由于市场上很多文物的质量及真假难以保证,文物