SARS 病人康复出院后心理状态如何?日前,由北京安定医院心理医生所做的一项 SARS 病人回访调查表明,约有85%的 SARS 病人出院后存在自卑心理。中国心理学会心理测量专业委员会主任、北师大心理学院院长车宏生教授认为:心理的治愈要难于疾病本身的治疗。从 SARS 疫情初期到现在,北师大心理学院院长车宏生教授带领着同事们一直从事着 SARS 应急下人们的心理行为特点及影响因素的研究。“北师大心理应急干预中心”(简称“中心”)开设的心理咨询热线及网站,也已经接待了近3000人次市民的电话来访与网上咨询。车教授说:由最初一天接待30多名市民电话来访到目前几名市民进行咨询,可以看出人们对 SARS 疫情初期所造成的心理恐慌,已经逐步转变为以平静的心态正确对待 SARS,这表明社会公众开始对 SARS 疫情的认识趋于理性化。目前较多寻求心理帮助的是一些SARS 病愈患者。他们来自不同的行业领域,康复后却有着不同程度的焦虑。一位公司职员讲述了自己 SARS 治愈出院后的情形。他出院那天,单位派车来接,送上了鲜花和慰问品,他觉得自己
SARS patients recovered after discharge how the psychological state? Recently, by Beijing Anding Hospital psychologists did a return survey of SARS patients showed that about 85% of SARS patients discharged after inferiority. Psychological Association of China Psychological Survey Professional Committee, Beijing Normal University Psychology Dean Professor Che Hong-sheng: Psychological cure difficult to treat the disease itself. From the beginning of the outbreak of SARS to the present, Professor Che Hongsheng, Dean of the School of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, led his colleagues in the study of the psychological characteristics and the influencing factors of people under the SARS emergency. The “Psychological Counseling Hotline and Website” of “Beijing Normal University Psychological Emergency Intervention Center” (“Center”) has also received nearly 3,000 telephone calls and online consultation from citizens. Professor Cheh said: From the very first day when more than 30 citizens came to visit several citizens for consultation, we can see that the psychological panic caused by the SARS outbreak has gradually shifted to treating SARS correctly with a calm attitude. This shows that The public began to rationalize the SARS epidemic. At present, more people seeking psychological help are those who suffer from SARS. They come from different industries and have different degrees of anxiety after recovery. A staff member recounted how he had recovered from SARS. He was discharged on the day, the unit sent a car to pick up, send flowers and gifts, he felt himself