同样面对从“官场”伸来的干 扰之手,河北省一家建筑 企业不屈不挠,拒绝黑箱操作,尽管运转艰难,但还是获得了发展;而浙江省的一家建筑企业迫于压力,与一些官员同流合污,最后走上违法的道路,企业惨遭厄运。两家企业不同的命运向人们揭示了这样一个问题:来自“官场”的干扰是我国建筑企业感受最深的一个“痛点”,也是我国建筑市场秩序混乱的根本原因之一。整顿建筑市场秩序,首先就要斩断“官场”伸来的干扰之手。
Similarly, in the face of the interference from the “official”, a construction company in Hebei Province persevered and rejected the black box operations. Although it was difficult to operate, it still achieved development. A construction company in Zhejiang Province was under pressure to mix with some officials. Finally, on the road to illegality, the company was badly mistreated. The different fate of the two companies reveals such a problem to people: Interference from “officialdom” is one of the deepest pain points in China’s construction companies, and it is also one of the root causes of the confusion in China’s construction market order. In order to rectify the construction market order, we must first cut off the hands of the “official” to interfere.