Svenja Adolphs&Ronald Carter.2013.Spoken Corpus Linguistic:From Monomodal to Multimodal.London and New York:Routledge(Taylor and Francis).ix+205 pp.《口语语料库语言学:从单模态到多模态》一书由英国诺丁汉大学Svenja Adolphs和Ronald Carter两位教授合著,汇总了他们过去大约15年间所从事的相关研究(包括与他人合作的研究)。作者针对语料库语言学普遍研究书面语的做法
Svenja Adolphs & Ronald Carter. 2013. Spoken Corpus Linguistic: From Monomodal to Multimodal. London and New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis) .ix + 205 pp. “Oral Corpus Linguistics: From Single to Multimodal” Co-authored by professors Svenja Adolphs and Ronald Carter at the University of Nottingham, UK, a compilation of studies they have conducted over the past 15 years (including studies in collaboration with others). The author focuses on the study of written language in corpus linguistics