急性子的我与慢性子的慧子,竟会一见钟情,且很快结为夫妻。虽然自从结婚以后,夫妻两人间便一直没断了争吵,有时甚至是怒目相向,几欲动手动脚,但10年间周而复始的争吵,非但没拉远两颗心,反倒深厚了夫妻感情。 像过日子总离不开柴米油盐一样,似乎我和慧子注定就离不开争执,而伴随而来必然是常常彼此不愿轻易妥协的争论,争论到了高潮自然就是争吵,就是分贝加大的唇枪舌剑,来来往往,互不相让。有时,不过是件鸡毛蒜皮的小事,明明知道争也不
The impatient son and the chronic son of Huizi, actually fell in love at first sight, and soon became married. Although since the marriage, the spouses have never quarreled and sometimes even glared at the hands and feet, but after a series of quarrels over the past 10 years, not only did not pull away the two hearts, but on the other hand, they deeply felt the relationship between husband and wife. It seems as if I and Huizi are doomed to be inseparable from the dispute, and it is inevitable that conciliation often unwilling to compromise with each other will inevitably occur. It is natural to argue that the upsurge is quarrelsome, that is, the decibel increases the guilty conscience. To and from each other. Sometimes, but trivial matter, obviously know that the fight is not