冬春是食用菌生产的旺季。不少菇农都认为,养蘑菇就是要喷水,喷水才是养蘑菇。于是,料还没上,喷雾器早已准备好了。 其实,蘑菇发菌期环境应稍干燥一点,根本不需要喷水。有的菇农从上料开始就隔三差五地喷水,结果造成环境湿度过大,使杂菌滋生,影响发菌,造成不应有的损失。
Spring and winter is the peak season for mushroom production. Many mushrooms are that mushrooms are to be sprayed, water is to raise mushrooms. So, the material is not on, the sprayer has long been ready. In fact, mushroom germination period environment should be a little dry, do not need water. Some farmers from the beginning of the material spray water, the result of environmental humidity is too large, the bacteria breeding, affecting the bacteria, resulting in undue losses.