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谁是「鲁拥军」?驻河南省新乡市五四八五八部队三连代班长孙高山突然收到了一笔署名「鲁拥军」的汇款和一封热情洋溢的来信。信中说:「帮助一个军人和他的家庭,是我一个人大代表、政协委员的天职。先邮去一千元人民币,略表我和爱人、女儿对一个亲人解放军的爱,对一个军嫂的爱。」孙高山顿时热泪盈眶。他和妻子已为患痴呆症的儿子耗尽家资、典卖家产,正处在负债两万多元的困境之中。谁是「鲁拥军」?这位素昧平生的人为什么要为我慷慨解囊?孙高山通过新闻媒介发出了「鲁拥军,您在哪里」的深情呼唤。经过多方查寻,终于得知「鲁拥军」就是青岛市人大代表、政协委员、民建会员、个体出租车学雷锋联组组长李高令。当记者蜂拥而来纷纷采访时,他说:「我从《山东青年》报上看到了孙高山面对爱子小飞飞患痴呆症的巨大不幸还默默地在本职岗位上勤奋工作,军嫂纪翠阁耗尽家资,仍全力支持丈夫奉献军营的感人事迹,心情很不平静。我和孙高山并不相识,我们平时不是常说亲人解放军么?亲人家里有了难事,我们总不能光说不管吧?」是的,他没有光说不管,而且,从今年元月起他开始每月给孙高山寄去一百元,继续为孩子治病。 Who is the “Lurong Army?” Sun Gaoshan, the third-generation squad leader of the May 4th 848th unit in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, suddenly received a remittance and a warm letter from the “Lurong Army”. The letter said: “To help a soldier and his family is the vocation of one of my deputies and CPPCC members. First, I will mail a thousand yuan to sketch the love of a beloved PLA from my wife and I, Love. ”Sun Alpine suddenly tears. He and his wife have run out of funds for the son of dementia, the Code seller, is in the doldrums of more than 20,000 yuan debt. Who is “Lu Yongjun”? Why did this life-saving man give me generous help? Sun Gao Shan sent a deep call from the media to “where are you from?” After many searches, I finally learned that “Lu Yongjun” is Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress, CPPCC member, member of the Democratic Alliance for the Construction of Individual Taxi Leifeng League Leader Li Gaoling. When reporters rushed in and interviewed, he said: “I saw from Sun Yat-sen Sun Yat-sen’s tremendous misfortune in the face of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. In his post, he also quietly worked diligently. Run out of funds, still fully support her husband dedicated deeds of the barracks, the mood is not calm. I do not know and Sun alpine, we usually do not often say that the PLA’s family? Family members have a hardship, we can not just say it ”Yes, he did not say nothing. Moreover, starting from January of this year, he started sending Hundreds of dollars a month to Sun Gao Shan to continue treating his children.
天灾人祸纷至沓来, 记者好事, 大火无情, 舆情纷纷—— Natural disaster manned after another, a good reporter, the fire ruthless, public opinion have -
海尔的方圆标志,乍一看酷似一道逻辑推理题。它用最简单的方、圆图形组合出一个迷幻的思维空间。有 如魔方,散发着无穷的魔幻魅力;又似数、理、化王国中常常看到的坐标图与