肝细胞癌(hepatoeellular carcinoma,HCC)是发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,在我国也是癌症导致死亡的主要原因。HCC的早期诊断可显著提高患者生存率。长期以来,肿瘤标记物检测用于HCC诊断一直是最有效的方法之一,其中甲胎蛋白(AFP)含量的检测在世界范围内应用最广,但其诊断敏感性和特异性均存在缺陷。寻找HCC特异性标志物一直是相关研究的热点。本文概述了临床常用的多种HCC诊断相关分子。多种新分子的发现有望作为AFP的有效补充,从而提高HCC的诊断率。
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the highest incidence of malignant tumors in China is also the leading cause of cancer death. Early diagnosis of HCC can significantly improve patient survival. For a long time, the detection of tumor markers for the diagnosis of HCC has been one of the most effective methods. The detection of AFP is the most widely used in the world, but its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity are deficient. Looking for HCC-specific markers has been a hot spot in related research. This article provides an overview of several commonly used HCC diagnostic molecules. The discovery of a variety of new molecules is expected to be an effective complement of AFP to improve the diagnostic rate of HCC.