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延川,处于黄河中游陕北黄土高原的腹地,从隋开皇三年设县至今,延川县已有1400余年的历史。在这样悠久的历史文化的滋养下,使延川成为黄河边上一颗耀眼的明珠。凌空俯视,黄河流经延川境内68公里,天造地设的形成了5道大湾,给人呈现不同的空间感受,让人感叹大自然的鬼斧神工。这里独特的地理风貌塑造了延川人民独特的生活习惯和心理文化,反映到人们的日常生活中,形成了极具当地色彩的民间艺术,而布堆画正是这种极具特色的民间艺术形式,它悠远、深邃、古朴,不仅是是黄河文化与黄土文化相互交融的体现,更是延川人民心灵手巧,勤劳勇敢的表现。 Yanchuan, in the hinterland of the northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, has a history of more than 1,400 years in Yanchuan County since the establishment of the county in Sui Kaihuang for three years. Nourished by such a long history and culture, Yanchuan became a dazzling pearl by the Yellow River. Volley overlook, the Yellow River flows through Yanchuan territory of 68 kilometers, built by the creation of five large Bay, giving people a different feeling of space, people lamented the gods of nature. The unique geographical style here has shaped Yanchuan people’s unique living habits and psychological culture, reflected in people’s daily life, forming a very local color of folk art, and cloth pile painting is this very unique folk art Form, it is distant, deep, simple, not only is the Yellow River culture and the loess culture embodies the embodiment of each other, but also Yanchuan people’s dexterity, hard-working and courageous performance.
考察和研究中国古代天学的官营传统 ,包括 :皇家天学机构之渊源、名称和级别 ;历代皇家天学机构之规模 ;明清两朝的钦天监 ;元、明时代的阴阳学制度 ;天学官员之考试选拔制度
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