1 、概述 根据德国SIEMENS公司、G&D公司合资的新加坡ACC公司的统计数据,从1987年到1994年,世界范围内的IC卡市场从1800万新加坡元增长到2亿7000万新加坡元,年增长率为45%。按照相同的增长率估算,四年之后市场销售额将达到12亿新加坡元。东南亚和中国的市场将有很大的增长,预计到2000年,亚洲的IC卡商场可以达到25亿新加坡元。 我国国内从八十年代末期开始引进、研究IC卡及其应用
1. Overview According to the statistics of Singapore ACC, a joint venture between German SIEMENS and G & D companies, from 1987 to 1994, the IC card market in the world has increased from 18 million Singapore dollars to 270 million Singapore dollars. The annual growth rate Is 45%. Estimated at the same rate of growth, market sales will reach S $ 1.2 billion four years later. Southeast Asia and China will have a huge market growth. By the year 2000, the IC card shopping mall in Asia can reach S $ 2.5 billion. China’s domestic introduction from the late eighties, research IC card and its application