漂流遇险 湘西的野性,一半在山,一半在水。站在猛洞河边的漂流码头,见大山壁立,断崖千尺,绿树苍苔,水像一头困兽,不顾一切地用头撞击岩石,浪花四溅中的橡皮筏,像草芥一般在漩涡里打飘,充满了惊喜和害怕。 要漂流啦,全新的体念;人人都像小学生,等待发学生手册一样等待发橙黄色的
Drifting wild west of the wild, half in the mountains, half in the water. Standing on the edge of Mengdong River drifting pier, see the mountain walls, cliffs, green trees, water, like a beast, desperate to hit the rock with head, spray the rubber rafts in the splash, like grass in general whirlpool In the floating, full of surprises and scared. Want to drift, new body concept; everyone is like primary school students, waiting for fat students manual waiting for hair orange