红蜘蛛是苹果主产区的主要害虫之一,它常使果树叶片失绿,不仅影响当年的产量和果品质量,而且影响第二年的开花结果。对果树红蜘蛛的防治,我们采取了综合防治方法,不仅降低了防治成本,而且防效好,果农同志不妨一试。 一是狠抓早期防治。在早春山楂红蜘蛛出蛰前,在果树主干上涂刷两寸宽的“凡士林”粘虫带,防止其上树。另外早春及时喷打波美3~5度的石硫合剂,对消灭苹果红蜘蛛及果苔螨的越冬卵极有好处。如我场八年生的苹果密植园,
Red spider is one of the main pests in the main producing areas of apple. It often leaves the green leaves of the fruit trees green, which not only affects the yield and fruit quality of that year, but also affects the flowering result of the second year. On the control of the fruit tree spider mite, we have taken a comprehensive prevention and control methods, not only reduce the cost of prevention and control, but also good control effect, fruit farmers comrades may wish to give it a try. First, pay close attention to early prevention and treatment. In early spring hawthorn spider sting out, brushing two inches wide “Vaseline” armyworm belt on the trunk of the tree, to prevent its tree. In addition, the timely spraying of Baume 3 to 5 degrees in the early spring lime sulfur mixture, the elimination of apple red spiders and fruit mite overwintering eggs is extremely beneficial. If my field of eight years of apple close planting,