检验亮度加强系统部件的对比传递条件。提供亮度加强系统的效率具有相同最终结果的各种可能性,进行了比较。 为测量对比传递而发展了一些仪器,如测定场中某一位置的对比传递函数的“Odeta”测量议,以及在某一频率测定整个场中的对比传递的仪器。在其它一个测量装置中,能够测定系统的杂散光,以及象加强管的背景光。 讨论了一定系统的结果。
Verify brightness Enhances contrast delivery of system components. The possibilities for providing the same brightness with enhanced system efficiency with the same end result were compared. Some instruments have been developed for measuring contrast delivery, such as the “Odeta” measurement of the contrast transfer function at a certain location in a field, and the instrument that measures contrast delivery across a field at a certain frequency. In other measuring devices, it is possible to measure the system’s stray light, as well as to reinforce the tube’s background light. Discuss the results of a certain system.