我院在 1991年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月共行同种异体肾移植术 1192例 ,其中 18例 (1 5 % )为终末期多囊肾患者。现将其临床资料分析报告如下。1 对象和方法18例多囊肾肾移植患者 ,男性 12例 ,女性 6例 ,年龄 38~ 6 7(平均 4 8)岁。均经B超、CT等检查确诊为多囊肾。合并多囊
In our hospital from January 1991 to December 2000 allogeneic renal transplantation 1192 cases, of which 18 cases (15%) of patients with end-stage polycystic kidney disease. Now the clinical data analysis report is as follows. 1 Subjects and Methods 18 cases of polycystic kidney disease patients, 12 males and 6 females, aged 38 to 67 (mean 48) years. After B ultrasound, CT and other tests diagnosed as polycystic kidney disease. Merge multiple capsules