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  Snapshots of an NBA career through Injury
  What did you think when you saw rookie Julius Randle leaning against a Lakers stanchion, one game into his NBA career, holding his broken leg? What about fellow rookie Jabari Parker lying prone, writhing as pain from a torn ACL① shot through his body?
  Remember Kevin Love briskly exiting the court while holding his dislocated left shoulder, knowing his inaugural season with Cavs—in the middle of a Finals run—was done? When Kevin Durant limped off the court in February, favoring his surgically repaired foot, did you get a sinking feeling?
  Among the hallmarks of last season’s Golden State Warriors championship run was their relative team-wide health. Six of their top seven players played in every playoff game, and only Andrew Bogut saw fewer than 77 regular-season games. This was an advantage. But that’s the harsh reality of the NBA.
  Then again, last season—perhaps more than any other season in the past—saw major stars go down with injuries that completely reshaped playoff pictures, draft odds and fan sentiments.
  So many players of import went down last season that, when taken together, the injuries span a full career: from rookies and rising stars through players in and just past their primes to one particular legend in the twilight of his career.
  It is all about context, as usual, and successfully recovering from any injury requires a very nuanced understanding of all the factors in play during the recovery process. At different stages during a career, these factors are going to differ based on physical, psychological and competitive pressures. With the host of players—young, old and in between—making high-profile, heavily scrutinized comebacks, we looked at some common challenges present at each stage of a player’s career.
  和平常一样,重要的是不同的人面对的不同环境。而成功从伤病中康复,要求球员对康复过程中的所有因素拥有细致入微的理解。在职业生涯的不同阶段,根据身体、心理和竞争压力的不同,这些因素能起到不同的作用。不论是年轻、年长还是处于中间阶段的球员,大量球员的康复都被放在了放大镜下,接受外界的仔细审查。我们找出了球员生涯不同阶段面对的共同挑战。   Could your story be over before it even begins?

  For the youngbloods who went down this past season, like Parker and Randle, the looming legacies of rookie busts like Greg Oden raise the specter of doubt within them. Then again, Michael Jordan broke his foot three games into his second season, came back in March and by April was hanging 63 on the Celtics. Blake Griffin missed what should’ve been his rookie season with a broken left kneecap.
  Young players carry with them the allure of potential and the weight of expectations. The scrutiny intensifies with an early injury. Parker and Randle no doubt feel this pressure, but youth is on their side. Overcoming the physical and mental roadblocks of a return to form this early in one’s career is a struggle, but precedent proves it is not nearly impossible.
  An injury in the prime of a player’s career is perhaps the worst possible scenario, as a career could be undercut just when one’s game begins to match their physical gifts. Players like Kevin Durant and Paul George ask themselves the chief question: Will I ever be one of the best on the planet again? Teams built around these singular talents obsess over the prospect of possibly catastrophic consequences. Look no further than Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose’s roller-coaster ride.
  A player’s prime marks the short stage of peak power, and in a league where the average career length is a mere 4.8 years, the premium on prime is conspicuous from a competitive standpoint. From a vanity perspective, these are also the years that define legacies and build brands. It’s the time when players have signature shoe lines and their own commercials, their jerseys fly off store shelves and the All-Star votes pour in.
  An injury at this stage can quite frankly divert the entire trajectory of a player’s NBA experience.

  Remember peak Grant Hill, Tracy McGrady in his prime or the short burst of virtuosity that was Brandon Roy? Going back further, there was Bernard King and Bill Walton. Contrast those careers with those of players such as Dirk Nowitzki or Karl Malone—largely injury-free, playing forever.
  Surely this has to pop in the heads of KD, Rose, George and their ilk in the very human moments of self-doubt.
  Stars like Carmelo Anthony and Chris Bosh have made their reputations in the NBA; fans know what to expect from them year in and year out. But when they went down with two very different injuries, our expectations for them changed.
  Bosh went through a horrifying medical ordeal involving blood clots in his lungs that many wouldn’t define as a true injury. Meanwhile, Carmelo underwent debridement surgery to remove dead tissue in his knee that had been nagging him for the past couple of years, indicative not of an ordinary precautionary procedure but of impending compounded issues that could continue to impede his ability to play at the top of his game.
  Age 30 is around the time when many NBA players shed personal delusions of invincibility. Even the indestructible LeBron hinted at mortality during last season’s grueling playoff run. This is the midlife crisis of the NBA, when the existential questions about legacy start creeping to the forefront of a player’s mind.
  Can Bosh and Melo recover from their ailments and remain among the league’s elite, carrying their respective franchises?

  Perhaps the most unique point of a player’s career comes at the end of the road. By then, injury is an inevitability—recovery is not. There’s a point in the Showtime documentary series ‘Muse’ where Kobe Bryant details the laundry list of major and minor injuries that plague him in old-age (for an elite athlete). He’s basically spent the past two seasons in perpetual rehab, beginning with torn achilles in the 2013 playoffs, a bone fracture in his left knee early the next season, then a rotator cuff tear in right shoulder this past season. Every road to recovery fraught with the same morbid questions of “Can I do this?”...“Is this it?”
  He’s now in the final year of his contract, capping a 20-year career with the Lakers, embarking on what might be his swan song. This isn’t just the end of your everyday NBA story, it is the last chapter of one of the most epic, inspiring, tumultuous, scrutinized, and polarizing basketball sagas in recent history.
  ①ACL:完整拼写为anterior cruciate ligament,即前十字韧带。
依靠签约自由球员重建似乎百利无一害,毕竟,球队不用再“耐心”等待新秀成长。可实际上,以薪金空间为基础的重建,效果并没有想象中美好。NBA历史上,靠签约自由球员一夜实现重建成功的,不过2007-08赛季的凯尔特人,2010-1 1赛季的热火和2014-15赛季的骑士。  鲍比·马克斯在篮网管理层工作了20年,担任过5年助理总经理。“自由球员市场的操作非常有难度,你没法真正决定整个流程。”鲍比说,“在
说唱歌手Jadakiss和篮网的阿兰·安德森为大苹果城的经典音调加入了自己的特色。  我通过队友认识了Jadakiss……  去年贾森·特里在布鲁克林时,他介绍我们认识的。在我小时候,Jadakiss就是我最喜欢的说唱歌手,所以我从小就听Lox、Styles P、Sheek Louch这些人的歌,这种感觉还真挺疯狂的。来到布鲁克林后,我终于见到了他。我好像从一出生就在听他的歌,所以我的感觉就是:我
她来晚了,还穿错了裤子。对于劳伦·霍特坎普来说,一切就这么开始了。  “我穿的是西部风,上世纪70年代的老款裁判裤子。”霍特坎普说,“我当时就心想,‘我的妈呀,我到底给自己做了什么。’因为我穿的制服,就像整整落伍了30年。”  上面这段情景发生在2004年9月的一个下午,地点在密苏里州的斯普林费尔德,比赛的双方是学习明星队和小铁锅女海盗队。曾经做过大学篮球运动员的霍特坎普正在附近的杜瑞大学攻读市场
如今,我们能看到他有比以往任何时候都更为强大的进攻爆发力,能看到他命中无数绝杀, Damian Lillard用行动告诉我们,他已经来到了生涯巅峰。  “这对我而言是一次挑战。”  这是一个气温温暖的周三,达米恩·利拉德正在波特兰的阿迪达斯美国北部总部园区。他躲在二楼的密室中,在南边隔壁那个临时搭建的体育馆内,他刚刚携手几百位铁杆球迷发布了自己的人生第一款签名球鞋,adidas D Lillard
罗兰·泰勒很快就泪如雨下,当他好朋友的名字出现时,他已泣不成声。他已经与乳腺癌斗争了15年,最近身体又出现了非常不好的消息,但现在才是他这些天以来最难过的时刻。  泰勒开始讲述肯·达雷特,他的声音低沉而沙哑。这些天,他一直卧床不起,他已经与癌症进行了漫长的作战,他正在试图为下一轮斗争积蓄力量。关于达雷特,他起初只能哽咽地说出几个字,“最好的。”之后他又停住了,他为自己的状态表示了歉意。  “每次我
看着在自己儿子面前得到37分的凯里·欧文,道格·里弗斯真不知道该发火,还是该高兴。  里弗斯该发火的理由简单明了:欧文不仅帮助骑士拿下了胜利,同时还搞砸了他们父子联手的首秀。至于高兴……如果击败你的人是你的准女婿,你还能暴怒么?是的,欧文正在与小里弗斯的姐姐、也就是道格·里弗斯的女儿凯莉·里弗斯交往。  凯莉曾是佛罗里达大学排球队的队员,因为小里弗斯跟欧文同为杜克校友私交甚好,二人早已相熟。在社交
奇才险胜湖人后,布拉德利·比尔的一番话代表了很多奇才球员的心声。“我们太低估湖人了。他们在比赛中的自信把我们吓到了。以他们的战绩来看,我们本以为这是一场轻松的比赛,但对手打得太好了。”  使这场比赛充满悬念的就是韦恩·艾灵顿,他的爆发令对手防不胜防。艾灵顿全场砍下28分,创下职业生涯新高。他们在比赛中甚至一度领先奇才19分之多。如果不是由于阵容太年轻,又缺乏深度,湖人很可能会拿下这场球。  “拼。
“我希望像一个艺术馆馆长一样带你们看看。”卡梅洛·安东尼如是说道。此时,他正站在纽约一座翻修一新的体育馆里,介绍着自己的新鞋Jordan M11。  艺术品和球鞋有关系么?  在过去很长的一段时间里,街头,涂鸦艺术,和文身,嘻哈文化都是联盟的主基调——NBA球员的篮球生涯大多始于这样的氛围中。但在过去五年间,这样的情况已经悄然改变,艺术品正在成为球员们热衷的新领域。  “当我关注流行文化以及它对体
2013年选秀前的联合试训中,拥有最大臂展和最高站立摸高的戈伯特被所有人无视了。几个月后,掘金在第27顺位选下了他,但他们立刻做出交易,将戈伯特送到爵士,换来一个二轮选秀权和现金。在接下来的新秀赛季,戈伯特表现并不出色。在有限的上场时间里,他也没有打出令人眼前一亮的表现。  然后,疯狂的事情发生了。  去年夏天跟随法国队参加男篮世界杯后,戈伯特似乎有了脱胎换骨的质变(加索尔兄弟见证了这一切)。新赛
面对大学选择时,特里斯·廷克勒遇到了很多全美TOP100高四学生都会遇到的难题,但特里斯要做的决定难度更大,因为他的父亲韦恩·廷克勒已经放弃了自己在蒙大拿大学的主教练职位,前往俄勒冈州立大学担任主教练。  在加州大学、冈萨加、蒙大拿、圣母大学、斯坦福、犹他大学和南加大纷纷对他表现出兴趣后,这个来自黑尔门高中的小前锋,最终选择和父亲一道,前往卡威利斯,加入俄勒冈州大,在球场上并肩作战。  “在这个过