一、槟榔简史:相传宋代,湖南有一官人被贬至海南万宁,经常漫步于槟榔林中,饮酒消愁,感叹人生。有一天官人在林中偶遇槟榔仙子所化身的美貌女子,并与之相亲相爱,两人互赠槟榔果作为海誓山盟之物。后来,官人带着有孕的妻子回湖南,且将槟榔果赠予亲朋好友。当时湘潭、长沙一带大闹瘟疫,凡吃了槟榔果者无一染病。于是求果者日众,槟榔仙子大展神威,终保一方平安。后来百姓奏表朝廷,官人不但官复原职且加升三级。数年之后,槟榔仙子所生贵子高中状元,封官晋爵,世代富贵相传。由此相传槟榔果是神果, 不仅能防病治病,而且成了婚宴喜庆、升官发财的吉祥之物。嚼槟榔的历史相当悠久,宋代大诗人苏东坡曾有“红潮登颊醉槟榔”之句。明代李时珍在《本草纲目》中对槟榔更有详尽的药用描述。在印度、斯里兰卡、越南、马来西亚、菲律宾等地,也都有嚼食槟榔的风俗,嚼槟榔至少沿续2000多年,是平民及贵族共有的嗜好。
First, a small history of betel nut: Legend has it that the Song Dynasty, Hunan, an official was devalued to Hainan Wanning, often walking in the betel nut forest, drinking worry, sigh life. One day in the forest, officials encountered the betel nut Fairy incarnation of the beautiful woman, and with each other, each betel nut fruit each other as a reciprocal thing. Later, the official with a pregnant wife back to Hunan, and betel nuts donated to friends and relatives. At that time, Xiangtan, Changsha downtown pestilence plague, who ate atelment without any disease. So seeker fruit, betel nut Fairy exhibition of prowess, the end Paul one peace. Later, people playing table court, officials not only official restoration and promotion of three. A few years later, betel nut fairy born Takako scholar, Feng Guan Jin Jue, generations of rich legend. According to legend, betel nut is the god of fruit, not only can prevent diseases, but also become a wedding feast, prosperous wealth auspicious objects. Chewing betel nut has a long history of Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo had “red tide cheek betel nut” sentence. Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen in “Compendium of Materia Medica” betel nut more detailed medical description. In India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and other places, there are also chewing betel nut custom, chewing betel nut at least along the continuation of 2000 years, is a common hobby for civilians and aristocrats.