
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pploa
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目的探讨病媒生物防治工作在重大活动公共卫生保障中的重要性及应有地位,从而确保今后国家各项重大活动公共卫生保障质量。方法通过对2008年北京奥运会铁人三项赛公共卫生保障病媒生物防治工作的回顾性分析,提出影响公共卫生保障病媒生物防治工作质量的问题及解决方法。结果公共卫生保障病媒生物防治工作在2008年奥运会铁人三项赛前期及比赛期间,通过密度监测、风险评估后,采取了以政府为主导,以专业部门做技术支撑,以专业防治队伍为主力,以社区和相关单位为辅助力量的病媒生物防治模式,使比赛场地、驻地和餐饮及加工行业的外环境蚊幼虫密度、成蚊密度、蝇密度和鼠密度分别下降100%、88.08%、87.01%和100.00%,实现了奥运会期间虫媒传染病及相关事件零发生和零投诉的目标;但同时也暴露了保障工作运行不畅、发现的问题不能实现快速有效的解决等问题。结论开展重大活动时提前做好本地区病媒生物风险评估工作,有针对性地采取科学的病媒生物防治模式,可以取得预期的防治效果;在管理层给予病媒生物防治专业人员相应的职权和地位,是确保病媒生物防治效果的重要基础,应引起相关领导和部门的重视。 Objective To explore the importance and proper status of vector control in the public health security of major activities so as to ensure the quality of public health security in all major national activities in the future. Methods Based on the retrospective analysis of vector control of public health security in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, this paper put forward the problems and solutions that affect the quality of vector control of public health security. Results Public health protection vector bio-control efforts in the 2008 Olympic Games triathlon pre-race and during the race, through density monitoring, risk assessment, adopted a government-led, with professional departments to do technical support to professional prevention and control teams as the main force , Community and related units as supporting force vector control mode, the competition venues, resident and catering and processing industries in the outer environment mosquito larvae density, adult mosquito density, flies density and rat density decreased by 100%, 88.08%, respectively, 87.01% and 100.00% respectively. The goal of zero incidence and zero complaints of zoonotic diseases and related incidents during the Olympic Games was achieved. However, the problems of guaranteeing the smooth operation of the work and finding out problems that could not be solved quickly and effectively were also exposed. Conclusion In carrying out major activities, we should do a good job in assessing the vector bio-risk in this area in advance and adopt a scientific mode of vector control to achieve the expected prevention and control effect. We also give the appropriate authority to the vector control professionals in management And status is an important basis for ensuring the vector control effect, which should be given the attention of relevant leaders and departments.
患者,女,31岁,已婚.于2000年12月8日在家中分娩后3天出现发热,伴腹胀、腹痛, 用抗生素治疗无效,经检查确诊为"腹膜炎盆腔脓肿”,行后穹窿切开引流,排出脓液2 00 0 mL.用"先锋
目的:探讨声脉冲辐射力成像技术(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)早期评估肝细胞性肝癌(hepathocellcular carcinoma,HCC)射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA)疗
背景:EREG(Epiregulin)即上皮调节蛋白,是一种能够自分泌或旁分泌的表皮分子调节因子。作为表皮生长因子(Epidermal Growth Factor,EGF)家族中的一员,可以与ErebB受体酪氨酸
目的:探讨MTS1基因(multiple tumor suppressor 1)甲基化与胃癌发生及胃癌临床病理参数的关系。方法:两位收集者通过利用PubMed、Medline、NCBI、EMBASE、CNKI、CBMdisc、万