每次一提到人体器官,脑海里浮现的不是那些恐怖电影里的血腥镜头,就是生理卫生课上被要求自学的内容,而对于某些不可描述的部位,更是要发挥无限想象力才行……不过和艺术家的创意比起来,我们普通人对器官的理解都弱爆了。艺术家Camila Carlow用鲜花和绿植诠释了人体的重要器官,有心脏、肺部、眼球,还有男生女生各自的小秘密,显得可爱又精致。你瞧,组成我们身体的每个器官都是那么
Every time a human organ is mentioned, the bloody shots in those horror movies that emerge in my head are the content that self-study is required in the physical hygiene class. And for some unspeakable parts, it is to exert infinite imagination ... But compared with the artist’s ideas, our ordinary people’s understanding of organs are weak. Artist Camila Carlow uses flowers and greenery to interpret the vital organs of the body, including heart, lungs, eyeballs, and the little secrets of boys and girls, making them look cute and refined. You see, every organ that makes up our body is so