跨文化交际能力是我国应用型外语人才应具备的一项重要能力。从认识文化因素在跨文化交际中的重要性入手 ,对构成跨文化交际障碍的文化干扰因素进行了剖析 ,对文化差异造成的语用失误和交际行为失当加以归纳总结 ,论证了把外语文化教学摆在外语教学突出位置的必要性和可行性 ,并提出了改革的思路
Intercultural Communication Competence is an Important Capability for Applied Foreign Languages Talents in China. From the understanding of the importance of cultural factors in intercultural communication, this paper analyzes the cultural interference factors that constitute the barriers of intercultural communication, summarizes the pragmatic failures caused by cultural differences and the misconduct of communicative behaviors, and demonstrates that teaching foreign language culture Necessity and feasibility of putting prominence in foreign language teaching and put forward the idea of reform