有关湘学研究 ,应当在澄清基本概念的基础上进行。湘学不是一个简单的一般意义上的普通学术概念 ,亦不是纯粹的地理概念 ,同时也不是一个一成不变的凝固的时间概念。从基本格调和核心内容上讲 ,它是理学 ,是湘中理学的特有称谓。它有自己的发展历史 ,并在发展过程中不断增添如文学、史学等新的内容。同时 ,湘学的发展与湘学研究几乎是同步进行的 ,湘学在湘学的研究中不断发展 ,其活的精神 ,仍然在火递薪传中展示着自己特有的思想瑰丽
The study of Hunan studies should be conducted on the basis of clarifying the basic concepts. Xiang is not a simple general academic concept in the general sense, nor is it a purely geographical concept, nor is it an immutable frozen concept of time. From the basic style and the core content, it is Neo-Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism is the unique title. It has its own history of development, and in the development process continue to add such as literature, history and other new content. At the same time, the development of Xiang learning is almost simultaneous with the research of Xiang learning. The development of Xiang learning continues to develop in the study of Xiang learning, and its living spirit is still showing its own magnificent ideas