如果说荷加斯是18世纪上半叶英国最伟大的风俗画家的话,雷诺兹和庚斯博罗就是18世纪下半叶被人们称为英国肖像画的世纪的代表人物了。 18世纪英国的肖像画家力求创造强壮有力的完整形象,创造精力充沛的人物形象,雷诺兹(J·Reynolds,1723—1792)在他的肖像中就表现了这样一种人的理想。他的儿童娇嫩可爱而不流於甜俗;男子英爽有神而不装腔作势;妇女则妩媚而不娇艳。
Rehosz and Gainsborough were representatives of centuries of what people call British portraits in the second half of the 18th century if he was the greatest English painter in the first half of the 18th century. 18th century English portraits of painters sought to create strong and complete images and create energetic characters, as shown in his portrait by J. Reynolds (1723-1792). His children are tender and lovely but not sweet; men are cool and godless, and women are charming and tender.