Changes of the Main Carotenoid Pigment Contents During the Drying Processes of the Different Harvest

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songshuguiyu00
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The test analyzed the regularity of biosynthesis and degradation of the main functional components,such as zeaxanthin,β-carotene,and esterified carotenoids in the fruit of Lvcium barbarum order to provide theoretical basis for improvement of processing condition,appearance quality,and preservation of carotenoids.RP-HPLC was adapted to assay the changes of the main carotenoids of the different harvested stage fruit during the drying processing.Quantification was realized using external standard with gradient elution.The results showed that zeaxanthin andβ-carotene contents in fruits increased dramatically,2-22 times that of fresh fruits at the beginning of the drying period.In the middle of drying period,degradation occurred to a some extent,and the fall fruit degraded to a large extent.At the end of drying period, zeaxanthin andβ-carotene contents increased to a little extent until a balanced state is obtained.Zeaxanthin dipalmitate content had a total degradation to more than 40% at the beginning of the drying period,and increased a little at the middle period,then reached a balanced state finally.The total carotenoid content analysis showed that the summer fruit had higher carotenoid content than the fall fruit.The experiments demonstrated zeaxanthin andβ-carotene contents in fruits increased and zeaxanthin dipalmitate decreased during the drying process,which had an effect on the production appearance. The test analyzed the regularity of biosynthesis and degradation of the main functional components, such as zeaxanthin, β-carotene, and esterified carotenoids in the fruit of Lvcium barbarum L. in order to provide theoretical basis for improvement of processing condition, appearance quality, and preservation of carotenoids. RP-HPLC was adapted to assay the changes of the main carotenoids of the different harvested stage fruit during the drying process. Quantification was realized using external standard with gradient elution. The results showed that zeaxanthin and β-carotene contents in the increased of the fruits dramatically, 2-22 times that of fresh fruits at the beginning of the drying period ..In the middle of drying period, rate of evolution to a certain extent, and the fall fruit degraded to a large extent. At the end of drying period, zeaxanthin andβ-carotene contents increased to a little extent until a balanced state is obtained. Zeaxanthin dipalmitate content had a total degradation to more than 40% at the beginning of the drying period, and increased a little at the middle period, then reached a balanced state finally. Total of carotenoid content analysis showed that the summer fruit had higher carotenoid content than the fall fruit. Experiments demonstrated zeaxanthin and [beta] -carotene contents in fruits increased and zeaxanthin dipalmitate decreased during the drying process, which had an effect on the production appearance.
摘要: 为了增强中学生对篮球的兴趣,提高篮球的技战术水平,本文从心理、生理两方面阐述了中学生篮球训练中应用的手段及策略,与广大中学篮球训练教师交流。  关键词: 中学篮球训练 教学手段 战术意识  为了提高中学生的篮球训练水平,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,针对中学生对篮球学习的兴趣与学校的实际条件,结合在教学与训练实践中总结的经验,我对中学生篮球训练提出如下建议。  一、中学生篮球训练要手段新颖,形
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摘要: 兴趣是积极认识某种事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。本文根据中学生学习体育的兴趣特点,依据体育新课程标准,对培养学生体育学习兴趣的途径进行了阐述。  关键词: 新课程标准 中学体育教学 兴趣培养  如何培养中学生体育学习的兴趣,是当前学校体育的一个重要课题。“兴趣是最好的老师”,说明兴趣是人类认知事物和从事各项活动的心理倾向。《全日制义务教育普通高级中学体育(1~6年级)体育与健康(7~12年
摘要: 体育是小学生最喜爱的课程之一,是养成良好品质的重要教育方式。小学体育教育教学是素质教育的重要组成部分,对于学生德、智、体、美的全面发展也有着极为重要的意义。但相对于接收方式多元化的小学生,现有的小学体育教育方法还是稍显落后,因此,改革小学体育教育教学势在必行。  关键词: 小学体育教育教学 现状 改革  一、小学体育教育教学现状  1.体育场地器材资源缺乏。  体育场地、器材是推进体育走向
摘要: 怎样上好一堂体育课呢?应做到:打破常规,树立新意;因材施教,注重个性的发展;科学锻炼,注意安全;有始有终,重视放松活动。  关键词: 快乐体育 终身体育 打破常规 因材施教  体育的产生和发展有它的偶然性也有它的必然性,而这种偶然性和必然性在我们的日常生活中起了很大的作用。“生命在于运动”的提出使人们对体育锻炼不再犹豫。  随着体育的发展和人们对体育认识的提高“快乐体育”和“终身体育”成为
公交移动电视收视率调研成果的发布,标志着户外视频新媒体无论从媒体精准化评估上还是从广告投资回报角度上都可以借鉴成熟的电视媒体评估体系来进行考察。 Publicity of th
摘要: 在新课程教学理念下,要开设好高中信息技术这门课,不但要把握好教材内容,还要注重学生的差异性问题。只有兼顾这两个方面,才能使这门学科对学生的发展有实际意义。本文就如何解决高中信息技术课程教学中学生差异的问题进行了分析。  关键词: 高中信息技术课 学生差异 分层教学模式  新课改教材已经使用了三年,在这三年的教学中,老师最大的感受是教材内容设计新颖,更倾向于让学生进一步辩证地去分析和解决信息
把一组具有相同属性、类型的数据放在一起并用一个统一的名字作为标识,这就是数组。数组中的每一个数据称一个数组元素,用数组名和该数据在数组中的序号来标识,序号称下标。  对于一个数组,如果只用一个下标就能确定一个数组元素在数组中的位置,称为一维数组,也就是说,由一个下标的数组元素所组成的数组称为一维数组,如A(1)数组是一维数组。而由具有两个或多个下标的数组元素所组成的数组称为二维数组或多维数组。为了