信贷资产是农业银行的主要资产 ,信贷业务是农业银行的主体业务 ,信贷效益决定农业银行的总体效益。要从根本上解决农业银行经营质量与经营效益双双低下的问题 ,从容应对我国加入WTO后的挑战 ,就必须在信贷领域从内到外、从上到下、从心 (思想 )到行 (行动 )彻底进行一次革命 ,这也正是本文的要旨。
Credit assets are the main assets of Agricultural Bank, credit business is the main business of Agricultural Bank, credit efficiency determines the overall efficiency of Agricultural Bank of China. To fundamentally solve the problem that both the management quality and the operating efficiency of the Agricultural Bank are both low, and to deal with the challenges posed by our country’s accession to the WTO, we must start from the inside to the outside, from the top down, from the heart (thinking) to the executive It is also the essence of this article to conduct a thoroughgoing revolution.