An Internet technology control, cross-border to the advertising industry, with his expertise, so that companies in less than two years to achieve 4.9 billion turnover. He wants people to know that advertising can play great. On September 25, Ma Zhaode, who just delivered his speech, hurriedly walked out of the summit hall behind the endless applause. It was already 1 pm, and unlike most participating entrepreneurs, he did not go into a restaurant to eat, but walked into the second VIP reception room - he was going to negotiate a dozen projects on cooperation and financing. This is the daily life of Ma Zhaode rhythm, it is also in such a rhythm, Ma Zhaode let his company - Second Silver Technology, in less than two years, achieved 49 billion transactions, of which the second Earn advertising accounted for 3 billion transactions, while its second-line bids on-line trial run 7 months, it created 1.9 billion transactions.