7月1日起,《100年 · 外国人眼中的浙江记忆》在浙江国际频道ZTV WORLD、英语传播窗口ZTV NEWS、“中国蓝新闻”客户端英文频道NEWS、中国蓝国际融媒矩阵正式开播。该系列选题策划跨越百年,从红色故事、奋斗故事,讲到创业故事、改革开放故事,再到中外文化交流故事、伟大成就故事等,通过外国人的视角和权威人士的讲述,在浙江这片拥有“重要窗口”和“共同富裕示范区”战略高度的土地上,从一部部鲜活的抗争史、奋斗史、建设史、成功史中,寻找“中国共产党为什么能”的浙江答案。
该融媒系列还将在CGTN、央视频、国际在线等央媒以及中国浙江、印象浙江英文网等平台更新。同时,在Facebook及YouTube上搜索#100 YEARS · THE IMPRESSIONS OF ZHEJIANG IN FOREIGNERS’EYES#,也能观看该节目。
Starting from July 1, 2021, a series of short videos entitled “100 Years: The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners’ Eyes” will be aired on ZTV World, ZTV News and the News channel of ZTV’s official app. Spanning over a century, the series aims to tell the stories of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the stories of Chinese people’s endeavors, the stories of entrepreneurship, the stories of reform and opening up and the stories of cultural changes between China and the world. Above all, it attempts to answer the question “why and how the CPC works in China” through the eyes of the foreigners and by digging through the “Zhejiang experience”.
The series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com .
Liangzhu Culture Week and 2021 “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day” Celebrated
The city of Hangzhou has launched a series of activities to mark the “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day”, which falls on July 6, as well as the Liangzhu Culture Week. “Image Liangzhu” immersive exhibition and restored wooden components exhibition will make their debuts during the week.
The Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City was successfully included in the “World Heritage List” at the 43rd World Heritage Conference on July 6, 2019. To commemorate this remarkable moment, the city of Hangzhou designated July 6 as “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day” in 2020.
International Social Media Influencers Visit Dongyang and Yiwu 6月5日至8日,来自俄罗斯、巴基斯坦等10多个国家的30多位国际网络传播达人来到东阳、义乌打卡,并参加在东阳横店清明上河图宋韵文化馆举行的2021 DAKA CHINA打卡中国“一带一路 · 金枢纽”网络国际传播活动启动仪式。
Over 30 social media influencers from Russia, Pakistan and other countries visited the cities of Dongyang and Yiwu between June 5 and June 8, experiencing the Chinese culture as part of the Daka China Global Communication Event.
During the event, the participants visited well-known local tourist attractions such as the Wansheng Pedestrian Street, Hengdian World Studios and Wood Carving Art Gallery in Dongyang, learning to make traditional Chinese furniture, shooting mini-movies as well as doing livestreaming shows.
Ningbo New Library Nominated for International Award
7月5日,国际图书馆协会联合会(简称IFLA)公布了2021年度公共图书馆奖(Public Library of the Year Awards)的入围名单,宁波图书馆位列其中。这不仅是宁波图书馆首次获得该奖项提名,也是中国公共图书馆界在该奖项零的突破。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,IFLA取消了2020年的最佳公共图书馆奖评选。因此,今年共有来自全球21个国家的32家图书馆参与评审,竞争异常激烈。评审团表示,宁波图书馆在信息技术应用和建筑可持续性等领域的广泛创新令他们感到印象深刻。
据了解,与宁波图书馆一同入围的还有澳大利亚的Marrickville图书馆、挪威的Oslo公共图书馆、比利时的Het Predikheren图书馆以及荷兰的Forum Groningen图书馆。这5家图书馆将在8月17日至19日的世界图书馆与信息大会(World Library and Information Congress,简称为WLIC)上做线上展示。
Ningbo New Library has been nominated for the International Public Library of the Year Award 2021. The award, presented by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), celebrates the world’s best public library every year – a newly built public library “that combines functional architecture with creative IT solutions and includes digital development with local culture”. The IFLA announced the five finalists, narrowed down from 32 entrants all over the world, on July 5.
This is the first time that any public library from China has been nominated for the award.
Vying for the award with Ningbo New Library are Marrickville Library from Australia, Oslo Public Library from Norway, Het Predikheren from Belgium and Forum Groningen from the Netherlands. The five libraries will deliver an online presentation between August 17 and August 19 at the World Library and Information Congress.
文/吳 洋
该融媒系列还将在CGTN、央视频、国际在线等央媒以及中国浙江、印象浙江英文网等平台更新。同时,在Facebook及YouTube上搜索#100 YEARS · THE IMPRESSIONS OF ZHEJIANG IN FOREIGNERS’EYES#,也能观看该节目。
Starting from July 1, 2021, a series of short videos entitled “100 Years: The Impressions of Zhejiang in Foreigners’ Eyes” will be aired on ZTV World, ZTV News and the News channel of ZTV’s official app. Spanning over a century, the series aims to tell the stories of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the stories of Chinese people’s endeavors, the stories of entrepreneurship, the stories of reform and opening up and the stories of cultural changes between China and the world. Above all, it attempts to answer the question “why and how the CPC works in China” through the eyes of the foreigners and by digging through the “Zhejiang experience”.
The series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com, as well as Facebook and YouTube. he series will also be available on CGTN, ezhejiang.gov.cn, inzhejiang.com .
Liangzhu Culture Week and 2021 “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day” Celebrated
The city of Hangzhou has launched a series of activities to mark the “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day”, which falls on July 6, as well as the Liangzhu Culture Week. “Image Liangzhu” immersive exhibition and restored wooden components exhibition will make their debuts during the week.
The Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City was successfully included in the “World Heritage List” at the 43rd World Heritage Conference on July 6, 2019. To commemorate this remarkable moment, the city of Hangzhou designated July 6 as “Hangzhou Liangzhu Day” in 2020.
International Social Media Influencers Visit Dongyang and Yiwu 6月5日至8日,来自俄罗斯、巴基斯坦等10多个国家的30多位国际网络传播达人来到东阳、义乌打卡,并参加在东阳横店清明上河图宋韵文化馆举行的2021 DAKA CHINA打卡中国“一带一路 · 金枢纽”网络国际传播活动启动仪式。
Over 30 social media influencers from Russia, Pakistan and other countries visited the cities of Dongyang and Yiwu between June 5 and June 8, experiencing the Chinese culture as part of the Daka China Global Communication Event.
During the event, the participants visited well-known local tourist attractions such as the Wansheng Pedestrian Street, Hengdian World Studios and Wood Carving Art Gallery in Dongyang, learning to make traditional Chinese furniture, shooting mini-movies as well as doing livestreaming shows.
Ningbo New Library Nominated for International Award
7月5日,国际图书馆协会联合会(简称IFLA)公布了2021年度公共图书馆奖(Public Library of the Year Awards)的入围名单,宁波图书馆位列其中。这不仅是宁波图书馆首次获得该奖项提名,也是中国公共图书馆界在该奖项零的突破。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,IFLA取消了2020年的最佳公共图书馆奖评选。因此,今年共有来自全球21个国家的32家图书馆参与评审,竞争异常激烈。评审团表示,宁波图书馆在信息技术应用和建筑可持续性等领域的广泛创新令他们感到印象深刻。
据了解,与宁波图书馆一同入围的还有澳大利亚的Marrickville图书馆、挪威的Oslo公共图书馆、比利时的Het Predikheren图书馆以及荷兰的Forum Groningen图书馆。这5家图书馆将在8月17日至19日的世界图书馆与信息大会(World Library and Information Congress,简称为WLIC)上做线上展示。
Ningbo New Library has been nominated for the International Public Library of the Year Award 2021. The award, presented by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), celebrates the world’s best public library every year – a newly built public library “that combines functional architecture with creative IT solutions and includes digital development with local culture”. The IFLA announced the five finalists, narrowed down from 32 entrants all over the world, on July 5.
This is the first time that any public library from China has been nominated for the award.
Vying for the award with Ningbo New Library are Marrickville Library from Australia, Oslo Public Library from Norway, Het Predikheren from Belgium and Forum Groningen from the Netherlands. The five libraries will deliver an online presentation between August 17 and August 19 at the World Library and Information Congress.
文/吳 洋