堪称“不愧于邹鲁”的福建人士 ,在唐五代科举中陆续登上科第 ,初步统计有 12 3人。笔者考证认为福建人士最先登上科第的第一位进士并非欧阳詹、薛令之 ,而是唐高祖武德六年 (6 2 3年 )金鲤是也。登上科第的福建选士其特点是 :他们励志学习 ,勤学苦炼 ;也由于家学渊源 ,父子、兄弟互相策励 ;他们文章隽永 ,驰名遐迩 ,蜚声朝野 ;但他们登第后 ,也有的寄托神明以自诩 ,有的以骄而困踬 ,终生没有出息。
Fujian people, who are worthy of “Zou Lu,” boarded the section in the Imperial Examination held in the Tang and the Five Dynasties. There are 123 preliminary statistics. The author studies that the first Fujian Jedi ascend subjects first Jinshi not Ouyang Zhan, Xue Lingzhi, but the T’ao Gaozu six years (623 years) Jin Lei is also. They are motivated to learn and diligently practicing hardships. Due to their family origins, father and son and brothers encourage each other. Their articles are meaningful and well-known, Sustenance deities to self-esteem, and some arrogant and sleepy, lifelong no good news.