根据国家教育委员会教办[1991]525号文件,已批准高等学校自然科学学报研究会在重新登记时转为一级学会,更名为“中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会”,挂靠在北京师范大学。 该研究会自1987年8月成立以来,在国家教委科技司及新闻出版署期刊司、国家科委科技情报司等政府主管部门的关怀、支持下,按照本会章程规定的宗旨,围绕提高学报质量这个中心,抓住提高编辑人员的政治业务素质和进行科技期刊编辑学研究两个重点,开展了一系列有利于学报事业发展的活动。(1)举办了6期不同层次人员参加的研讨班或
According to the State Education Commission Teaching Office [1991] No. 525 document, approved the study of natural science journals of institutions of higher learning in the re-registration into a first-class society, changed its name to “Chinese colleges and universities of natural science journal”, anchored in Beijing Normal University . Since its founding in August 1987, the Institute has given its consideration and support to the government departments in charge of Science and Technology and Press and Publication Administration of the State Education Commission and the State Science and Technology Information Bureau of the State Science and Technology Commission. In accordance with the purposes stipulated in the Articles of Association, The center of quality, seize the two key points of improving the editorial staff’s political professional quality and scientific and technological periodical editorial study, carried out a series of activities conducive to the development of the journal. (1) Organized six seminars or workshops with different levels of personnel