目的对以小儿斜颈为研究主题的文献进行计量学分析,揭示有关小儿斜颈的相关研究现状。方法选用WEB版中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM),检索2001—2015年相关文献,利用Note Express,Excel以及手工处理,统计分析发文时间、主题分布、作者、作者单位、省市分布、发表期刊和基金资助状况。结果检索到以小儿斜颈为研究主题的相关文献共567篇,文献数量整体呈上升趋势,第一作者共525名,其中只发表1篇论文的第一作者约占所有第一作者总数的94.29%(495/525)。频次最高的前10个主题词为斜颈、乳突、颈、挛缩、年龄因素、随访研究、手术后期间、先天畸形、面部、肿瘤。研究的人员和单位主要分布在山东、广东、江苏、河南、浙江、湖北等地。结论近15年来有关小儿斜颈方面的研究已经有了较为稳定的发展,文献发表量总体呈稳步增长趋势,研究主要集中在小儿斜颈的中医治疗疗效和高频彩色多普勒超声诊断方面。但小儿斜颈学研究的规模一般相对较小,还需要国家在政策和资金上的大力扶持。
OBJECTIVE: To carry out the econometric analysis of the literature on pediatric torticollis, revealing the status quo of related studies on pediatric torticollis. Methods The Chinese version of CBM was selected and searched from 2001 to 2015. Using Note Express, Excel and manual processing, the author analyzed the distribution time, subject distribution, authors, author units, provinces and cities, published journals and Funding situation of the fund. Results A total of 567 related articles were collected from children with torticollis. The total number of articles was on the rise with a total of 525 first writers. The first author who published only 1 paper accounted for 94.29% of the total first writers % (495/525). The top 10 top keywords are torticollis, mastoid, neck, contracture, age, follow-up study, postoperative period, congenital malformation, facial and tumor. The research personnel and units are mainly distributed in Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Henan, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places. Conclusion The research on pediatric torticollis has been steadily developed in the recent 15 years. The published volume of the literature shows a steady growth trend. The research mainly focuses on the therapeutic effect of TCM on pediatric torticollis and high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound. However, the size of children’s torticollis study is generally relatively small, but also requires the state’s policy and financial support.