中国体育要向世界目标看齐 中国文坛耆宿夏衍:这次亚运会办得很成功。举国上下一致努力,各项工作都很出色,这是国内外人士都称道的。 中国运动员能在这次亚运会上拿多少金牌?事先我曾经根据《羊城晚报》透露的规划,逐项进行过计算。现在看来。有的看对了,有的没有看对。 中国金牌数第一,这看对了;但中国最后得到的这么多的金牌,出人意料。我事先估计,中国能得115至125块金牌,结果拿了183块。这说明,我对中国运动健儿
Chinese sports to the world target in line with the Chinese literary world Natalia: This is a very successful Asian Games. The whole country is making concerted efforts and all the work is excellent. This is praised by people both at home and abroad. How many gold medals can Chinese athletes take at this Asian Games? Beforehand, I calculated according to the plan disclosed by Yangcheng Evening News one by one. Now it seems. Some see right, some do not see right. It is correct to see the number one gold medal in China; but so many gold medals China finally won are unexpected. I have estimated in advance that China can get 115 to 125 gold medals, resulting in 183. This shows that I am a Chinese athlete