,Neutron Flux Measurements in an ICRF Mode Conversion Regime Heating Plasmas on HT-7

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CRP0538570914
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Ion cyclotron resonance heating experiments using antenna in the high field side (HFS) have been carried out on HT-7 in different target plasmas.Unlike a standard-mode conversion heating scheme with dominant electron heating,anomalous ion heating and DD neutron fluxes higher than those estimated from thermal ions were observed in the present experiments with the ion-ion hybrid resonant layer near the center of plasma.The features of ion cyclotron range frequency (ICRF) antenna in HFS and experiments suggest that this is most probably due to the nonlinear 3/2 harmonic deuterium heating by the mode-converted ion Bestein wave,which could produce a high energy tail on ion energy distribution.Neutron diagnostics have been applied in ion cyclotron range frequency (ICRF) plasmas on HT-7 for measurements of the fusion reaction product,which give a direct measure of the ICRF heating.The neutron emission is recorded by a 3He proportional counter,whose sensitive size is φ30 mm × 300 mm,gas pressure is 49.34 kPa and the responsibility to thermal neutrons is 133 cps/n.cm-2.s-1.It exploits large reaction cross sections and is therefore embedded in polythene moderators to thermalize the incident neutrons.
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