目的通过分析某医院从数字化扫描系统打印住院病案资料和身份证件归档情况,探讨患者身份证件归档方法的改进。方法调取某医院近5年从数字化扫描打印的病案资料及身份证件归档的数据进行分析。结果 2012年-2016年某院累计出院患者共300 901人次,打印出院病案共245 576份,占81.61%,打印的页数累计超过1千万页,且呈现逐年上升的趋势。数字化身份证件归档共183 535份,占74.74%。结论患者复印或复制病案资料应根据卫生计生委《医疗机构病案管理规定》,审验患者的身份证件、委托人的身份证件以及委托书,患者身份证件数字化、及时有效的归档,能够做到方便查找,数据永久可追溯,并能保证患者身份证件的安全。
Objective To analyze the archiving of inpatient medical records and ID documents from a digital scanning system in a hospital and to discuss the improvement of the patient ID document filing method. Methods The hospital was transferred from a hospital for nearly five years from the digital scanning of medical records and identification documents archived data for analysis. Results A total of 300 901 patients were discharged from a hospital during 2012 to 2016, 245 576 cases were printed and discharged, accounting for 81.61%. The total number of pages printed was over 10 million pages, showing an upward trend year by year. A total of 183 535 digital ID documents were archived, accounting for 74.74%. Conclusion The patient copy or copy the medical record data should be based on the Health and Family Planning Commission “medical institutions medical record management regulations” to verify the patient’s ID card, the client’s identity certificate and power of attorney, patient ID digital, timely and effective archiving can be easily found , The data can be traced back permanently, and the security of patient ID can be guaranteed.