概述:鼻衄或鼻出血是一种常见的疾病,有可能会严重到需要紧急医疗或手术治疗.人为的鼻出血是一种罕见的案例.对患者复杂的行为问题,在大学阶段的培训较少,因此,外科医生常常错过患者一些隐藏的心理问题.在这里,我们给出一例做作性障碍的病例,该案例由于鼻出血而进行手术.经过适当的评估并于耳鼻咽喉科会诊之后,我们采用抗抑郁药物和认知行为治疗成功治愈该患者.“,”Summary: Epistaxis or nasal bleeding is a common condition which may be severe enough to warrant an urgent medical or surgical treatment. Factitious epistaxis is a rare entity. Due to a lack of exposure in complex behavioral issues during undergraduate training, it is quite natural on the part of a surgeon to miss the underlying emotional phenomena. Here, we present a case of factitious disorder which presented to the surgical causality with nasal bleeding. After proper evaluation and liaison with the department of otorhinolaryngology, we were able to manage the patient with antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy.