3月23日,全球领先的音频及媒体技术研究机构Fraunhofer IIS在2017年中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会(CCBN)上展示了成功被ATSC3.0和DVB数字电视标准采纳的MPEG-H电视音频解决方案,以及为VR和移动设备设备带来最佳沉浸式声音体验的Fraunhofer Cingo技术和能够显著简化VR沉浸式声音制作流程的Cingo Composer软件。
On March 23rd, Fraunhofer IIS, the world’s leading audio and media technology research institute, presented the MPEG-H television audio that was successfully adopted by the ATSC3.0 and DVB digital television standards at CCBN (China International Radio & TV Network Information Expo 2017) Solutions, and Fraunhofer Cingo technology for the best immersive sound experience for VR and mobile device devices and Cingo Composer software that dramatically simplifies the VR immersive sound production process.