汪毅夫在台湾文学研究领域中,至少有两个别人难以相比的重要成绩。一是近代台湾文学研究的开拓,可说填补了大陆学术界的一项空白,其成果已见于闺版《台湾文学吏·近代文学篇》和《台湾近代文学丛稿》等书中。二是使研究由台湾文学向台湾文化扩展,其具体成果除了与吕良弼合著《台湾文化概观》外,还有新著《台湾社会与文化》。 俞元桂先生曾以“为学精细,长于考证”称赞他的这位得意门生;落实到这本新著,我则想用“显微”、“存真”等语来概括其著述的目标和特征。所谓“显微”,指的是毅夫常着笔于人们不甚注意的微小之处,加以细致的考辨、阐解,而其目的,乃是为了挖掘它们所涵纳的某种深层的文化意蕴。
Wang Yifu in the field of literary studies in Taiwan, at least two other people difficult to compare the important achievements. First, the development of modern Taiwanese literary studies can fill a gap in mainland academic circles. Its achievements have been found in such books as the Taiwan Literary Officials and Modern Literature Series and the Taiwan Modern Literature Series. The second is to make the study expand from Taiwanese literature to Taiwanese culture. In addition to co-authoring “Overview of Taiwanese Culture” with Lu Liangbi, there are also new articles entitled “Taiwanese Society and Culture”. Yu Yuan-kui once praised him as a proud student of “Fine study, longer than textual research.” In implementing this new book, I would like to summarize the aims and characteristics of her writings in terms of “microscopic” and “ . The so-called ”microscopic" refers to the fact that Adams often pen and scribble on the tiny places where people do not pay much attention to detailed examination and explanation, and their purpose is to find out some deep culture they contain Implication.