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  1. The skinny 详细信息;细节
  The information or the details about something. e.g. What’s the skinny on our new boss?
  2. Mental 发疯,精神错乱
  Insane, crazy.
  e.g. I think she’s gone completely mental.
  3. Fork out/over 支付,尤指为账单付钱
  Give or pay money, especially for a bill.
  e.g. OK, it’s $20 each, so fork over the cash.
  4. Megabucks 很多钱
  A huge quantity of money.
  e.g. We’ll be making megabucks once the shop gets going.
  5. A yawn 乏味或枯燥的人或事
  Someone or something that is very boring. e.g. Her new boyfriend is such a yawn.
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Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.  -Twyla Tharp  艺术不是艺术家的专属领域,不是只存在于博物馆,更不会与生活脱节。快节奏的生活、没完没了的活动让我们变得浮躁,身心俱疲。试问多久没静静地看完一本书,多久没认真地写一篇日记,多久没和旧时的好友相聚?生活再忙也要给自己腾出一点时间,听听自己内心的声音,这样才不会在生活