当前,分数槽永磁同步电机,尤其是多相电机,因为宽弱磁调速范围和出色的容错能力,在牵引领域中得到越来越多的关注.本文主要确定一台5相分数槽双层绕组永磁同步电机的线圈节距因数.提出的确定方法由解析计算和数值计算相结合,从电枢磁动势的空间分布出发,考虑由正弦电流供电的表贴式永磁电机.通过对电枢磁动势谐波成分的分析,获得总体谐波含量与线圈节距因数之间的关系.之后,给出了齿槽转矩的解析表达式,探究齿槽转矩和线圈节距因数之间的联系.数值计算部分主要针对电磁转矩和除切向力以外的电磁力和线圈节距之间的关系,利用有限元进行辅助分析.数值计算和有限元计算的结果得到了线圈节距因数选择的一些关键要素,之后,基于这些关键要素,用有限元进行了验证,证明了方法的可靠性.“,”Fractional-slot PM synchronous machines (FSPMSM) are currently given an increasing attention in traction applications;a trend motivated by their wide flux weakening range and their remarkable fault-tolerance capability especially of multi-phase machines.The paper was aimed at the sizing of the coil pitch ratio of a double-layer five phase FSPMSM.The proposed sizing approach consists of a combined analytical-numerical procedure which is initiated by the derivation of the armature magnetomotive force (MMF) spatial repartition considering a sinusoidal current supply that matches the surface-mounted arrangement of the PMs.An analysis of the harmonic content of the armature MMF enable the investigation of its total harmonic distortion versus the coil pitch ratio.Then,the cogging torque was formulated and its variation with respect to the coil pitch ratio was explored.The numerical aspect of the proposed sizing approach was devoted to a finite element analysis (FEA) of the electromagnetic torque and of the magnetic forces in terms of the coil pitch ratio.The analytical and FEA results enable a multi-criterion selection of the coil pitch ratio,after which a FEA-based investigation of the selected features was carried out in order to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed sizing procedure.