调整结构 遏制亏损 深化改革 加快发展——对石家庄市土产日杂总公司扭亏脱困情况的调查

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石家庄市土产日杂总公司是一家拥有近50年历史的老企业。在计划经济时期曾经有过辉煌的过去,但在由计划经济向市场经济转轨过程中,由于思想观念、管理模式、经营机制的转变相对滞后,一些深层次的矛盾日益突出,致使企业经济包袱越背越重,市场份额逐渐萎缩。面对困难,市社及时调整了公司领导班子,新班子上任后,认真分析市场形势和亏损原因,大胆改革,坚持走以市场为导向,以效益为中心和以人为本的发展之路,一举使企业发生了可喜的变化。被评为全省流通系统“深化改革、提高效益”先进单位。找准病根,深化改革,下大力消灭亏损新班子上任后,认真分析公司现状,认识到“企业不消灭亏损,亏损就将消灭企业”。严重的亏损已对公司1000多名干部职工的生存构成威胁。他们在调查中发现,公司每年新增待摊挂账350万元,其中所属土产日杂批发部、搪铝批发部每年达180万元,公司机关70万元,占全年亏损的60%。针对以上问题,公司在广泛调查研究的基础上,制订了以“一体、十制、五配套”为主要内容的企业改革转制方案,开始了全方位、深层次的改革。 Shijiazhuang Native Produce Miscellaneous General Corporation is a company with nearly 50-year-old business. In the era of planned economy, there was a glorious past. However, in the process of transition from a planned economy to a market economy, some deep-seated contradictions have become increasingly prominent due to the lagging transformation of ideological concepts, management models and operating mechanisms. As a result, the economic burden of enterprises The heavier the back, the market share is gradually shrinking. In the face of difficulties, the municipal agency timely adjusted the leadership of the company. After the new team took office, the Company carefully analyzed the market situation and the causes of losses, boldly reformed, adhered to the market-oriented, efficiency-centered and people-oriented development, A welcome change has taken place. Was named the province's circulation system “deepen reform and improve efficiency ” advanced unit. Identify the root cause, deepen the reform, vigorously eliminate the loss of the new team took office, a careful analysis of the company's status quo, recognizing that “enterprises do not eliminate loss, loss will destroy the enterprise.” Serious losses have posed a threat to the survival of more than 1,000 cadres and workers in the company. They found in the survey that the company newly added 3.5 million yuan worth of pending appropriations each year, of which the wholesale market owned subsidiary of home appliances, aluminum wholesale department each year up to 1.8 million yuan, the company organs 700,000 yuan, accounting for 60% of the annual loss. In response to the above problems, the Company formulated a restructuring plan for enterprises based on “one body, ten systems and five supporting systems” based on extensive investigations and studies and started an all-round and in-depth reform.
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