关于展览──弗兰克·奥利戈尼(Franco Origoni)访谈

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弗兰克·奥利戈尼(Franco Origoni)是米兰最活跃的展览师之一,30年前创办Origoni Steiner展示设计工作室,同时担任米兰理工大学展览设计教授。1986年开始与伦佐·皮亚诺合作。2007年5月在米兰,奥利戈尼设计的“可见之城──皮亚诺作品回顾展”在米兰三年展展厅开幕,这次展览汇集了皮亚诺40年来的全部设计项目,成为2007年米兰最大规模的建筑展。同年,他设计的《米兰·设计制造》全球巡回展在完成了纽约、多伦多和东京的展出后,7月在北京当代美术馆开幕。2007年6月11日晚6点,在Origoni Steiner工作室,笔者就展览设计的话题对奥利戈尼进行了访谈。 Franco Origoni, one of Milan’s most active exhibitors, founded Origoni Steiner’s exhibition design studio 30 years ago and is a professor of exhibition design at Politecnico di Milano. 1986 began working with Renzo Piano. May 2007 In Milan, Oligoni’s “City of Visibility - Pianos Retrospective” was opened in the Milan Triennale, a collection of 40 years of all of Piano’s design projects , The largest exhibition of architecture in Milan in 2007. In the same year, he designed the “Milan Design and Manufacturing” World Tour Exhibition in New York, Toronto and Tokyo, after opening in July in Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art. At 6 pm on June 11, 2007, at the Origoni Steiner studio, I interviewed Oligoni about the topic of exhibition design.