
来源 :初中生世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuandatoy
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【社团名片】镇江市第三中学小溪文学社成立于1985年,重在培养学生语文的创新精神和实践能力,丰富学生的课余生活,提升学生的语文素养。文学社由阳光记者站、清华诗社、七彩三中电视台、三中之声广播站组成。2005年和2013年先后被评为“镇江市优秀文学社团”“镇江市中小学双百优秀社团”。文学社成立以来,定期组织社员活动:阅读中外名著、赏析精彩片段、切磋作品、交流心得、编印校报 Community Club Zhenjiang Third Middle School Xixi Literary Society was established in 1985, focusing on cultivating students’ innovative spirit and practical ability in Chinese, enriching students’ extra-curricular life and enhancing students’ Chinese literacy. Literary Society by the Sunshine Press Station, Tsinghua Poetry Club, 288 TV stations in three, three in the sound of radio stations. In 2005 and 2013, it has been awarded the title of “Excellent Literature Society of Zhenjiang City”, “Double-hundred Outstanding Society of Zhenjiang Primary and Secondary School”. Since the founding of Literary Society, members of the society have been organized on a regular basis: reading famous Chinese and foreign literature, excerpting excerpts from excerpts, discussing works, exchanging ideas, editing school newspapers
Hello everyone. I’d like to tell you about my English learning. Four years ago, I began to learn English. Our English teacher taught us in many ways, so we very interested in English lesson.  I learne
升格支点  七年级学生学习记叙文写作,主要是学会完整、生动地叙述一件事。所谓“生动”,除了描写手法多样、语言形象生动之外,事情的起因、经过和结果等情节的设置也很有讲究
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