北京图书馆(以下简称北图)的外文藏刊已有70余年的历史,从所藏外文期刊的品种数量及质量看,现已自成体系,独具特色.据1989年10月统计,北图所收藏的外文期刊达36 889种,其中现期期刊约13 000种,共计400多万册,如中外文期刊相加,其数量约占北图馆藏总量(1300余万册)的50%,仅次于美国国会图书馆、苏联列宁图书馆、英国不列颠图书馆和法国国家图书馆,居世界第五位.这浩如烟海,蔚为大观的外文藏刊,是北图几代期刊工作者长期辛勤工作和不断补充完善与积累的结果.它作为国家科学文化的宝贵资源而发挥着难以估量的作用.
The Beijing Library has more than 70 years of history as a foreign language collection of books and periodicals, and now it has its own characteristics and uniqueness in terms of the number and quality of foreign-language periodicals. According to the October 1989 statistics, There are 36,889 foreign language periodicals in the photo collection, of which about 13,000 are new periodicals in total, more than 4 million in total. If Chinese and foreign periodicals are added together, they amount to about 50% of the total volume of the North Library (more than 13 million) %, Second only to the United States Congress Library, the Soviet Union Lenin Library, the British British Library and the French National Library, ranking fifth in the world .This vast voluminous, magnificent foreign language collection is a generation of journals, Work and continue to supplement and improve the results of accumulation and accumulation as an invaluable resource of the country’s science and culture and play an invaluable role.