第二十五章 什布奇在哪里?不足300公里远,南万林的车队却跑了整整67天。数年后,老南在中央电视台的《实话实说》演播大厅里对崔永元说:“那次吃的是几辈子的苦,下半辈子没什么好怕的了。” 昆仑山的路,往往就是这样,用公里是无法计算的。从新疆叶城到西藏阿里首府狮泉河不足1 000公里,有时一趟下来,要用几个月,才能跑到终点。除了路况的险恶,更多的是那些人类根本无法抗拒的雪崩、塌方、泥石流和一年四季随时都可能出现的暴风雪。
Where is Chapchi? Less than 300 kilometers away, the team in South Wanlin ran a full 67 days. A few years later, Lao Nan told Cui Yongyuan in CCTV’s “Truth-to-Tell” studio hall: “It was a bitter for the rest of your life and you had nothing to fear in the rest of your life.” Kunlun Mountain’s road is often the case, Kilometers can not be calculated. From Yecheng in Xinjiang to the Shiquanhe River in the capital of Ali, less than 1,000 kilometers in length, sometimes it takes a few months to get to the finish line. In addition to the viciousness of the road, more avalanches, landslides, landslides and blizzards that can occur at any time throughout the year are more avalanches that humans can not resist.