J.Stuart Bolton,ed.xx+636 pp,Noise Control Foundation P.O.Box 2469,Arlington Branch,Poughkeepsie,NY 12603,U.S.A.Price US $60.00+19.00 air mail.The NOISE-CON 88 conference of U.S.A.was held at Purdue University,june 20—22,1988.The theme of the conference is“Noise Control De-sign—Methods and Practice”.The proceedings contain three distinguishedlectures and 100 contributed papers.The three distinguished lectures all address the theme of the conference.In hislecture“Is there a‘zero-option‘in noise control design?”Professor P.E.Doakof the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research,Southampton University,dis-cusses the potential for achieving complete noise cancellation and how it might beachieved in practice.In the lecture“Loudness Pattern(ISO532B),an excellant guideto noise-induced designs and to expected public reactions”presented by Professor
J. Stuart Bolton, ed.xx + 636 pp, Noise Control Foundation PO Box 2469, Arlington Branch, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603, US APrice US $ 60.00 + 19.00 air mail. NOISE-CON 88 conference of USA was held at Purdue University, june 20-22, 1988. The theme of the conference is “Noise Control De-sign-Methods and Practice”. The proceedings contain three distinguished lectures and 100 contributed papers. The three distinguished lectures all address the theme of the conference. hislecture “Is there a’zero-option’in noise control design?” Professor Pientakof the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton University, dis-cusses the potential for achieving complete noise cancellation and how it might beachieved in practice. the lecture “Loudness Pattern (ISO532B), an excellant guide to noise-induced designs and to expected public reactions ” presented by Professor