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接手五年级语文课的第二周,为了了解一下我在学生心目中的形象,我特意拿出一节课让学生客观公正地评价一下我。哪知学生个个只笑不答,不知是怕伤及我的师道尊严,还是想不出合适的词汇拍我这个老师的马 Take over the second week of fifth grade Chinese class, in order to understand my image in the minds of students, I deliberately come up with a class for students to objectively and impartially evaluate me. I do not know all the students only laugh and answer, I do not know fear of injury and my teacher’s dignity, or can not think of the appropriate words to take my teacher’s horse
多年的班主任生涯,使我深切感受到:要把学生工作做到心灵的深处,一定要以真诚的“爱”和严格的“求”为基础,以爱心开启学生心灵的窗口,用爱心和智慧照亮学生的心灵。 Years