1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义发动了侵略我国东北的九·一八事变。在日军侵略面前,蒋介石先是采取“不抵抗、不交涉”的政策,而后又过渡到“一边抵抗、一边交涉”,最后倒向全面与日妥协,与日签订了《塘沽协定》,实际上承认了日本帝国主义对我国东北及热河的占领。蒋介石对日政策为什么会发生这种转变,要弄清这个问题,首先必须了解这一时期蒋介石对国联的态度,本文试就此问题作一探讨。 一、蒋介石依赖国联解决九·一八事变主张的提出 目前笔者所见到的蒋介石主张公理解决东北问题最早的资料是1931年7月6日张学良秉承蒋介石旨意转给东北政务委员会的电
On September 18, 1931, Japanese imperialism launched the September 18 Incident that invaded northeast China. In the face of the Japanese aggression, Chiang Kai-shek adopted a policy of “no resistance or no negotiation” first, and then to “resist while negotiating with the other side.” He finally came to a full compromise with Japan and signed the “Tanggu Agreement” with Japan. In fact, he admitted Japanese occupation of Northeast China and Jehol by the Jehol. To understand why Chiang Kai-shek’s policy toward Japan changed this way, we must first understand Chiang Kai-shek’s attitude toward the League of Nations during this period. This article attempts to discuss this issue. First, Chiang Kai-shek relies on the League of Nations to solve the September 18 Incident proposal. At present, the author sees Chiang Kai-shek’s proposition that the earliest information on solving the Northeast problem is July 6, 1931. Zhang Hsueh-liang uphold Chiang Kai-shek’s intention to transfer electricity to the Northeast Political Committee