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《海域使用管理法》对中国海洋法制建设具有重要意义。该法施行以来,我国海域使用管理配套法规体系日趋完善,海洋功能区划、海域有偿使用等制度日臻成熟。《海域使用管理法》实施已逾15年,我国经济社会生活发生了巨大变化,中国特色社会主义法律体系不断完善,该法暴露出来的问题日益增多,亟待修订:首先,立法理念应由“重发展,轻保护”向“海域资源和海洋环境保护优先”变革。其次,应完善海域使用权制度,突出海域使用权的物权性,强化该法的私权色彩,将海域使用权的成立时间修改为“完成登记之日”。在围填海管理方面,应理顺围填海建设项目的审批程序,提高行政效率;建立填海造地指标管理制度。最后,在法律责任方面,应明确“恢复原状”的适用条件;修改罚款的计算方法,对于具有持续性的严重海域违法行为可以引入“按日处罚”制度;增加刑事责任条款;赋予海洋行政执法机构必要的行政强制手段。 The Law on the Management of the Use of the Sea Area is of great significance to the construction of China’s legal system on the sea. Since the implementation of the law, the system of laws and regulations on the management and use of marine areas in our country has been perfected day by day. The system of marine functional zoning and paid use in the sea is becoming more and more mature. The implementation of the Law on the Administration of the Use of the Sea Area has been carried out for more than 15 years. The economic and social life in our country has undergone tremendous changes. The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has been constantly improved. The problems exposed by this law have been increasing and are in urgent need of revision. First of all, Redevelopment, light protection “to ” marine resources and marine environmental protection priority “change. Secondly, the right to use sea area should be perfected, the property right of sea area should be highlighted, the private color of the law should be strengthened, and the time of establishment of sea area right should be changed to ”date of completion of registration“. In the area of ​​reclamation, we should streamline the examination and approval procedures for reclamation projects and improve administrative efficiency, and establish a management system for reclamation and land reclamation. Finally, in terms of legal responsibilities, the applicable conditions of ”restitution“ should be clarified; the calculation of fines should be amended to introduce a system of ”daily punishments" for serious and continuous violations of the sea area; the provision of criminal liability should be added; Give administrative enforcement agencies in the ocean the necessary administrative coercion.
胆道闭锁是新生儿和婴儿最常见的阻塞性黄疸.本病晚期患儿出现胆汁性肝硬化、门静脉高压、肝衰竭甚至死亡.发病率为1∶8 000~1∶14 000,发病率存在地区和种族差异.亚洲人发病
受国家认监委(CNCA)委托,笔者单位在 2017 年度承担了“CNCA-17-A17 结构实体钢筋保护层厚度检测”能力验证项目.论文通过该项目的实施,一方面介绍了我国实验室结构实体钢筋保