【摘 要】
West Henan endemic ward with high selenium eggs prevention and treatment of Kashin-Beck disease, Keshan disease, pilot observation, quite successful. However, the delay in promoting this result can not be sustained, due to the poverty and sickness among mountain residents, everyone eating eggs, eating eggs every day and can not afford them economically. Since last year, Henan Province has been screening neonates with hypothyroidism in southwestern Henan Province, completing more than 2,000 cases in each county in each of the four counties. One parent of the sample paid 8 yuan for each parent, “All pay medical staff labor subsidies. Reported in the literature ”A hypothyroidism " detection rate
青菜(B·Chinensis.rar.communis)味道鲜美,营养丰富,是长江流域城镇居民和农民百吃不厌的绿叶蔬菜。 中箕白梗菜(简称白梗菜)是常州著名的优良青菜品种,在本地已有数百年栽
介绍了一种仪器面板仿真的开发利器———GLStudio ,详细说明了其开发环境、建模方法、与MFC混合编程的方法 ,并将其应用于雷达面板仿真中
This paper introduces GLStudio,
[email protected]问:我的孩子快2岁了,偏食、挑食比较严重,只爱吃米粥、蛋羹、面条,偶尔吃一点儿肉,不爱吃蔬菜、水果,真是让人头疼。请问,这种情况如何改善?石军大夫答:孩子
This paper presents the modeling and analysis of the longitudinal dynamic of variable-sweep aircraft.The variable-sweep aircraft have complex nonlinear and time
The frozen condition of near-earth near-circluar orbit in critical inclination was studied in this paper.The frozen theory which based on J2 and J3 earth zonal