1.研究背景类胡萝卜素是一类抗氧化营养素,包括α、β胡萝卜素、番茄红素、脂色素及玉米黄质等,在体内具有多种生理功能。其中α、β胡萝卜素是维生素 A 原,起着抗氧化剂的作用;脂色素及玉米黄质对维持视觉功能十分重要;番茄红素可能具有更多的细胞保护效应。类胡萝卜素的体内水平是人类总抗氧化状态的敏感指标,主要存在于血液、脂肪和肝脏内,也存在于皮肤的表皮和角质层内。其在皮肤中的存留时间较稳定,受近期饮食变化的影响较小。研究结果使人们确信其对皮肤有抗氧化和光保护作用。拉曼光谱是检测分子中特征性的振动/转动能级的激光
1. Background Carotenoids are a class of antioxidant nutrients, including α, β-carotene, lycopene, lipid and zeaxanthin, etc., in the body has a variety of physiological functions. Among them, α, β-carotene is a vitamin A raw, plays an antioxidant role; lipid and zeaxanthin to maintain visual function is very important; lycopene may have more cytoprotective effects. The in vivo level of carotenoids is a sensitive indicator of total anti-oxidant status in humans, mainly in the blood, fat and liver as well as in the epidermis and cuticle of the skin. Its retention time in the skin is more stable and less affected by recent dietary changes. The results convinced people that they have antioxidant and photoprotective effects on the skin. Raman spectroscopy is a laser that detects the characteristic vibrational / rotational energy levels in a molecule