1.转轮开发取得重大突破 东方电机股份有限公司通过开展大规摸的水轮机模型新转轮开发大会战,1998年一战役取得重大突破,开发出8台效率超过93%的水轮机转轮,同时开发出模型效率达94%的新转轮。该公司开发的这些新转轮在市场竞争中显示出强大的威力。 2.水轮机空化研究用光纤内窥镜开发成功 哈尔滨大电机研究所经过3年的试验研
1. Great breakthroughs in wheel development Dongfang Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd. achieved a major breakthrough in its campaign of launching a large runner model turbine in 1998. It has successfully developed eight turbine runners with an efficiency of over 93% at the same time Developed a new runner with a model efficiency of 94%. The new wheels developed by the company show great power in the marketplace. 2. Turbine cavitation research successfully developed with optical fiber endoscope Harbin Institute of motor through 3 years of experimental study