我们发现一家4人于1975年8月一餐共吃1斤未煮熟透的“米猪肉”,次年3人发生脑囊虫病,现报告如下: 例1董××,男,16岁,患者1976年3月后,常出现上腹部隐痛,曾发现粪便中有白色虫节。同年7月发现全身有散在性黄豆大皮下结节,不痛不痒。1976年9月癫痫发作,此后每年发5~6次,服苯妥英钠不愈。因癫痫伴昏迷2夭于1983年10月6日入院。T37.9℃, Bp 100/64mmHg。神志不清,全身有20多个散在黄豆大皮下结节,可移动。颈
We found that a 4 people in a meal in August 1975 a total of 1 kilogram uncooked cooked “pork”, followed by three cases of cysticercosis, are as follows: Example 1 Dong XX, male, 16 years old, patients After March 1976, there often appear pain in the upper abdomen, had found white faeces in the worm. In July the same year found that the body has scattered large subcutaneous nodules of soy, itching. September 1976 seizures, since then made 5 to 6 times a year, serving phenytoin sodium unhealed. Due to epilepsy with coma 2 Yao in October 6, 1983 admission. T 37.9 ° C, Bp 100/64 mmHg. Confusion, the body has more than 20 scattered large subcutaneous nodules of soybeans, removable. neck