大自然中美的音响不仅能丰富学生的感情,陶冶学生的情操,给他们以美的享受,还能促进学生的形象思维。苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“儿童往往是用形象、色彩、声音来思维的。”因此,利用音响指导学生进行想象作文,符合想象的一般规律和学生思维特点。 我曾选大自然中的一段音响为教材,上了一堂作文课。音响内容是:清晨,林间。鸟鸣声声,溪流叮咚,晨风吹拂,树叶沙沙,小朋友琅琅读书声…开始上
Nature, the United States and the sound can not only enrich the feelings of students, cultivate the students sentiments, to give them the beauty of the United States, but also to promote the image of students thinking. Suhomlinski once said: “Children tend to use the image, color, voice to think.” Therefore, the use of audio to guide students to imagine writing, in line with the general laws of imagination and student thinking characteristics. I have chosen a period of nature in the audio as a textbook, took a composition class. Audio content is: early morning, forest. Birdsong sound, stream ding dong, morning breeze blowing, leaves rustle, children reading extensive sound ... start